Background, Origin and Aim
The Passing on the Torch National Education Platform: Background, Origin and Aim
At the welcoming banquet the HKSAR Government on 30 June 2007, the then President HU Jintao earnestly advised that "we should put more emphasis on National Education for the youth in Hong Kong and promote exchanges between them and the young people of the Mainland so that they will carry forward the Hong Kong people's great tradition of loving the motherland and loving Hong Kong".
In the 2008 Policy Address, the Chief Executive announced the creation of a National Education platform to be known as “Passing on the Torch” by coordinating the work of various voluntary groups.
The Passing on the Torch National Education Platform aims to:
- provide information related to National Education activities held by the Education Bureau and other relevant organisations in Hong Kong, as well as exhibit activities’ outcomes
- serve as an information hub and communication channel for schools and other organisations to enhance collaboration